16.02.2022 в 10:33

Your lawyer in the Republic of Moldova, Киев

г. Киев
ціну уточнюйте
Law office of Leonid Karagheaur offers qualified services in business area: establishment of legal entities, sale and purchase of existing firm, assistance and legal advice at the moment of negotation in order to achieve desired results, registration of ships and yachts under the flag of the Republic of Moldova. Also family law, succesoral law, economical crimes, criminal and civil law.
Our office provide the following services:
• Drafting legal documents necessary for the establishment and development of your business;
• Representing in the competent authorities that are enrolled in this field;
• Debt recovery;
• Receiving license;
• Sale — buying goods at the best prices;
• Counsel in the bankruptcy, liquidation and reorganization of the legal entity;
• Registration of ships and yachts in the state register of ships of the public institutions «Harbor Master Giurgiulesti „;
• Legal advice and representation in court — divorce, setting / challenge paternity, share common wealth joint property, child support;
• Legal advice in the process of succession (declaring the person dead, many fine ownership, declared unworthy heir, declarearea nullity will, in the administrative actions challenging illegal notary).
• Legal assistance in collecting the debt incurred from receipt, the loan contract.
• Assistance in the amount paid into court arising from unjust enrichment;
• Legal assistance in case of tax evasion, bankruptcy fraud, money laundering;
• Anticompetitive agreements;
• Legal assistance in tax and customs disputes, income tax, customs duties:excise and ipozite;
• Criminal legal assistance at all stages of criminal proceedings;
• Legal assistance in order to obtain permanent residence in the Republic of Moldova.
Інші оголошення від Молзавод МолСвит:
Інші оголошення у цій рубриці:
Корисна інформація
Безпека понад усе
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